Thirty Days of Thanksgiving – Day 18

Day 18. The Letter R for Random.  Some random things I’m thankful for today. Here goes:                    My iPad! My awesome new hairdresser!                     My friend Debbie remains cancer free after her latest checkup (along with my sis and my cousin) – Yay!!! I love elastic waists . . . . and spandex.                                  My mammo came back A-OK.                   …

>Where I’m From

> “Where I’m From” I am from endless sky, long hot summers, Rainbow bread and rabbit-eared television. From Nehi orange and cinnamon rolls hot from the oven. I am from a cracker box house, gray-shingled, single bathroom, and three sisters giggling as the breeze riffles the bedroom curtains. From prairie grass bent in the wind, horny toads, and rainbows after …

>Chasing Lilacs Goes Dutch

>Fun tidbit today: Chasing Lilacs is now available in Dutch! I’m thrilled with this cover, seen side by side by the US cover!


>They’re here – those lazy, hazy days. I know we’re only a month in, but already it feels like these hot, hot days will never end! It’s not like when you were a kid and could run through the sprinkler to cool off. And these days, who has a window swamp cooler that you can stand in front of, lift …


>Broken Wings is getting ready to try her wings!! June 3 is the official release day although there’ve been sightings already at Barnes and Noble, and Amazon shipped the books early but not the Kindle version.  Some of you have already read it! THANK YOU! There’ll be a month-long hoopla with blogs, book signings and sightings, and the last two …

>Wild Kingdom

> For a country girl who has had more than her share of encounters with wild animals – raccoons, armadillos, rattlesnakes – you’d think what happened last night wouldn’t have given me the heebie-jeebies. But it did. We live in the city now where the bunnies hopping across the yard and the squirrels tk-tk-tk-ing from the trees are about as …

>CAFE SPECIAL OF THE WEEK – Silver Dollar Pancakes

>Does your family ever have breakfast for supper? We sometimes did when I was growing up and our kids loved it when they were at home. And sometimes Max and I still do. There’s something comforting about sitting around the table, eating simple country food, enjoying every syrupy bite of homemade pancakes or a crisp slice of bacon. As I …

>CAFE SPECIAL OF THE WEEK – Peanut Butter Icebox Pie

>Good grief! I don’t know where the time has gone. I posted last Thursday and here it is the wee hours of Wednesday and nary a word from me. And I promised a friend of mine I would do better about blogging. Not only that, but it’s been ages since I’ve had a Special of the Week Recipe. So here’s …