>The Joy of Research

>Last week, Max and I loaded up the SUV and took off for a long weekend of R & R – Recreation and Research! Destination: East Texas. Since our 38th wedding anniversary was just around the corner and I had decided to set my next book in this area of Texas, we headed south. I inhaled the Texas air when …

>SPRING BREAK Special of the Week: Dirt Cake

>It’s spring break week for the kiddos, and we had the privilege of having our six-year-old twin grandsons spend a few days with us. It amazing how much they’ve grown and seeing their little minds at work. Reading, drawing, swinging at golf balls in the back yard (the plastic practice ones), trying new foods. But when I announced we’d be …

>CAFE SPECIAL OF THE WEEK – Rotini Pasta Salad

>Ah . . . glorious spring! Time to clear the cobwebs from my head and soak up some of the warm sunshine. And I’m sorry to say, I’ve been playing hooky from the blog. It has been one long, dreary winter, and it seems I’ve hardly strayed from the house except when the cupboards were bare. Now that the endless …


>The special this week at the Cafe will satisfy the chocolate lovers in the group and was a family favorite when our boys were still at home. As a matter of fact, our son, Scott, named them. I called it Erma’s Yummy Brownies since I got the recipe from my good friend Erma. But as Scott ate one square, then …


>Saturday, January 23, is National Pie Day.National Pie Day? Well, why not? There’s no better comfort food. What’s Thanksgiving without pumpkin pie, President’s Day without cherry pie, the Fourth of July without . . . uh, well watermelon? Okay, so not all holidays have a pie associated with them, but every holiday is more special with pie. Some tips from …


>My reading pile has grown and grown and now is stacked two deep and spilling over on two shelves. Some of the books I read this year didn’t necessarily have a 2009 release date, but this is the year I read them, so my rule is . . . if I read it this year, it qualifies. There are so …

>Don’t Fence Me In

>Okay. What did you first think when you read the title of this post? Roy Rogers? If that was a yes, you’re absolutely correct! Roy sang this song while Trigger danced in the 1944 movie, Hollywood Canteen. Many other singers also recorded it over the years – Gene Autry, Kate Smith, Bing Crosby and the Andrews Sisters (together), Ella Fitzgerald, …

>Carve Diem

>In anticipation of three of our grandchildren visiting, I threw out a question on FaceBook about carving pumpkins. Is it too early? Any hints for a fun experience? Here were some of the responses: 1. Put Vaseline on the raw edges where you make the cuts to help pumpkin last longer.2. In the north we used to carve them a …


>This week’s special is inspired by a book I just finished: The Prayers of Agnes Sparrow by Joyce Magnin. Agnes Sparrow has devoted her life to praying for the people in her town who come to her for prayers of healing. It’s a fun, quirky book with a powerful message about the One who is the ultimate healer. Food plays …


> CONGRATULATIONS to Camille!!! You are the winner of Myra Johnson’s book, One Imperfect Christmas.Enjoy. Note to readers: It’s not too late to be included in the drawing for Mary E. DeMuth’s book, A Slow Burn. Enter here. Contest ends Friday, October 9 at noon.