NaNoWriMo – Who’s In?

Some of you will know instantly what I mean by that title. Others of you might scratch your head and go huh? Sometimes I forget that not everyone in the world is a writer! But there are a LOT of people who think they have a story in them. Some estimate as many as 80% of the folks in the good old USA think they could write a novel. Of course, only a fraction of those try.

HOWEVER, in 1999, a group of 21 people got together in the San Francisco area to see if they could write a 50,000 word novel in a month. National Novel Writing Month was birthed. Since then it’s grown in popularity with more that one-quarter million people signing up last year for NaNoWriMo or just plain ole NaNo for short. Of those, 36,843 finished their 50K novel and registered before the Nov 30 deadline. This is my first year, but I’m hoping to be in the winner’s circle thirty days from now.

WHY? Why would someone do this? The short answer for me: I like a challenge. I have a story outlined that I’m itching to write, and while 50,000 words won’t be a whole novel, it’s more than half of one.

For writers everywhere, it’s good to know you’re not alone. The website offers forums for success, hooks you up with those in your region, and has a buddy system for you to cheer each other on.

The title of my story is BLOOM. I’ll leave you to ponder what that might be about while I get rested up for the marathon writing month.

And if you’re “in” on NaNo 2012, let me know so I can cheer you on. It’s good to know you’re not alone.