>Story Book Romance–Fairy Tale Wedding

>Seven months from today (on August 2), our youngest son will marry a wonderful, spunky girl from Orange County, CA. So how did a West Coast girl end up with a rural Oklahoma kid who graduated with a class of nine students? Providence, I’m certain. I began praying for my son at an early age as all moms do, but specifically that he would marry the girl God chose for him. What a wondrous answer to prayer.

James and Allison met the day before their first day of class at the University of Oklahoma more than four years ago. They began dating soon after, and the rest is history. They are perfect for each other, and it’s been fun to see them in love. Allison has spent five Thanksgivings with our family, gone on vacation with us, and attended a mammoth family reunion without flinching. Not only that, she loves my son. That’s good enough for me.

The fairy tale wedding will take place at the Disneyland Hotel next summer. Plans are well under way. The dress has been purchased, the menus selected, the engagement photos taken, and the save-a-date letters sent. No doubt the next seven months will fly by in a flurry of even more preparation. I’ll keep you posted.

We love you, Allison.