>Remember when you were a kid splashing in the kiddie pool looking over at the ten-year-olds jumping off the side, laughing and having the time of their lives? Two summers later, there you are, heart pounding, plunging into water that’s two feet over your head. You sign up for swimming lessons, learn the strokes, and hang around the pool afterward, …


>I am fortunate to be sharing my writing journey with other authors whose first novels released this year. Although I’m not personally acquainted with all the debut authors on this list, I’ve been entertained with a great variety of inspirational fiction. These ladies have set the bar high for me and others trying to break into the magical world of …

>”My First Sale” Article

>A lot of people have asked me about my writing journey. Here you can read it all in the current issue of the ACFW Afictionado Ezine. Tiffany Amber Stockton did the interview and made me sound way more together than I am. ACFW is a wonderful organization where almost 2000 members learn together, cheer each other on, and promote one …


>Here’s a section of my garden only a few short months ago. It’s hard to believe the days are already growing shorter. I’m not a fan of heat and humidity and find the end of August tolerable at best. But here we are: the dying days of summer, and I’m feeling in limbo. Today I realized my life the last …


>I come from a long line of PC users. My youngest son cut his teeth sitting on his dad’s lap in front of a TRS-80. We’ve wandered through a number of different incarnations since then, each one smaller, faster, and smarter. Nowadays, we each have our own PC laptops. Mine has been a trustworthy companion and friend for four years. …


> Chasing Lilacs Ta-Da! The new title of my debut book. Someone asked me why I’d gone from a weed (see previous post about my beloved Dandelion) to a flower. Actually, I didn’t make the decision on my own. My wonderful publishers with marketing and sales expertise that I don’t possess, wanted a title that suggested the essence of the …