Top Ten ACFW Highlights

I wish there were a way to distill last weekend’s ACFW conference in Dallas to a top ten, but I honestly don’t think it can be done. There were highs. And lows. Times of celebration. Times of reflection. So I’ll just start and see what happens. Highlight: Crossing the Red River into Texas. This always makes me sigh and feel …

>ACFW Conference, Part II, Genesis Winners

> St. Louis, 2011 ACFW Conference It’s always a little difficult for me to encapsulate what the ACFW conference is all about. Yes, it’s a professional organization dedicated to benefit the members by instructing, providing services and a community of like-minded people – people who want to write books with an eye toward publication. It does all that, and every …


>In just two months, ACFW descends on St. Louis, for the annual conference. This will be my sixth year to attend, and I can’t imagine being a writer in the Christian market and NOT attending. It’s one of the highlights of my year! One of the many things I love about ACFW is how it has grown to meet the …

>ACFW Conference Aftermath

>Sometimes it’s hard to process all that goes on in a weekend long conference – hence my long wait to tell you about my ACFW conference experience last week. My thanks to the conference directors who made this the best one yet! The teaching was exceptional, and I know I will be pondering some of the nuggets I learned for …

>ACFW Carol Award Finalists

> The ACFW awards banquet will be held on Sunday evening, September 19. Awards are given for Agent, Editor, and Mentor of the year based on nominations from ACFW members. It’s always an exciting time, and even though she’s a reluctant finalist, I’m thrilled that my agent, Sandra Bishop, is one of the finalists for this year’s event.  Following that …

>2010 ACFW Genesis Finalists

>One of the highlights of the ACFW Conference (which is where I am right now while my blog is on auto pilot) is the awards banquet on the last evening of the conference. Posh frocks, lots of sparkle and glitz, a kilt or two. And three or four dozen very nervous attendees who have the noted honor of being contest …

>Top Ten Reasons I Love the ACFW Conference

>This is the week I anticipate all year – the annual American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) conference. This year it’s in Indianapolis, so soon I will be In-di-an-a Bound! What’s so special about this conference? I’m glad you asked. Here are ten things I love about it, and I’m sure if I tried I could think of ten more, but …

>A Winning Proposal – A Fantastic Conference

>In six short weeks, I’ll be headed to Indianapolis for the American Christian Fiction Writers’ annual conference. This is one of my favorite events of the entire year. My sweet friend, Cynthia Ruchti – aka debut author and President of ACFW – penned a proposal for this year’s gathering. With her permission, I’m sharing it with you. You’ll notice that …

>Confessions of an ACFW Conference Junkie

>I’m a guest today on the ACFW Conference Blog. It’s no secret that I love the American Christian Fiction Writers annual conference. Come see why on today’s installation of the ACFW Blog.

>Fiction Marketing Seminar in Dallas

>Me? Marketing? It’s not an endeavor that I thought would be critical in my writing career, let alone my life. Apparently it is. And I think it’s something I’m going to love once I get the hang of it. I took a step of faith this past weekend and went to The Master Seminars first fiction marketing workshop taught by …