>The UPS Man Came Today . . .

>. . . And guess what he brought?? I’ve been waiting my whole life for this day, it seems. And it met my every expectation. I cradled the books in my arms, counted them, inhaled the scent of new paper, read each and every endorsement (thank you lovely friends for your amazingly kind words), wiped a tear as I read …

>Read First Chapter of Chasing Lilacs

>Today it’s only 37 days until the release of Chasing Lilacs. It has seemed like forever at times, and now that it’s drawing near, my mind is racing wondering whether I’m really ready. Sort of like a wedding day or becoming a new mother for the first time, although trust me, I do not in any way compare the birth …

>CHASING LILACS has a new cover

>I’ve been anxious to unveil this fun news for a week or so. CHASING LILACS has a new cover. The design concept folks at FaithWords felt that a different look would convey the essence of Sammie’s story better with this new look. As soon as I saw it, I fell in love with it. While I could almost smell the …

>Writing Nostalgia – Part Two

>Things to consider when writing nostalgia: There must be a reason for placing your story in a certain year or decade. To simply place a story in a past decade because it sounds cool is not enough. You need a backdrop of world events or social customs that are unique to the era. Some examples from the 1950s and 60s …

>MY WRITING JOURNEY – Waiting on the Lord

> Today I’m once again blogging at SERIOUSLY WRITEJoin my friends Dawn Kinzer and Annette Irby and me as I share my writing journey and what “Waiting on the Lord” means to me.

>A Chat with Canadian Friend, Koala Bear Writer

> I’m also chatting today with a special friend and lovely writer from Canada. THE KOALA BEAR WRITER She asked about my “getting the call” and wanted a sneak peek at Chasing Lilacs.Please stop by her blog and say hi!

>CHASING LILACS and Other Fun Stuff

>It’s been a while since I’ve talked about the release of my upcoming book, Chasing Lilacs. The truth is, I’m not all that comfortable tooting my own horn. I don’t want people—meaning you, my readers—to grow weary of it before it even hits the shelves. And yet, it’s never far from my mind, so please rejoice with me on these …

>CHASING LILACS Available for Pre-Order on Amazon

>Have I mentioned lately how much I’ve enjoyed the publishing process? Each phase has been like the movie Fifty First Dates – a brand new world at every turn. Most recently, I’ve been writing discussion questions for the Reader’s Guide which will be in the back of the book and providing my publisher with a list of “dream” endorsers. One …


>Here it is—the cover of my first book, Chasing Lilacs! I’ve been anxious to share it with you (and all creation) since I first saw it a while back, and now I have word from my publisher that it’s official. I’m not sure which has been the greater thrill—getting my first contract or viewing my first book cover. I understand …