>The Year of Reading Pleasures

>One of the gifts I’ve given myself this year is permission to read great novels and not get waylaid by trying to catch up on the books I should have read and didn’t quite get to. Yes, some of those shoulda, coulda, woulda books are still on my “waiting to be read” shelf, but some are not. Here’s why: On …


>As I might have mentioned earlier, my “best of” lists include mostly books that were published in 2009. However, by my own rules, they qualify if I first read them this year, and I want to give them their due praise. There were a LOT of great books in 2009, but even as I looked back, there were four that …


>So, I’ve been thinking about which I like more . . . male authors or female. Do I choose one over the other? Do I gravitate toward the straightforward, often plot driven books that guys are known for? Or the more character driven, emotional books associated with female authors? Looking over our bookshelves, there are probably more books by male …


>My link and the name of the new blog I told you about yesterday was wrong. So much for trying to blog and carry on a family conversation. My apologies to my friends who created this new blog for all you romantics out there. I’ve corrected the original post. The correct name is ROMANCE YOUR SPOUSE. Take another look! Today …


> Trying to decide what books to put on my reading list this year makes me think of the endless buffet people talk about on a Princess cruise liner. Every choice imaginable, but only so much room on the plate. And you don’t want to fill up on just one thing, so I’m imagining my reading list as a scrumptious, …