>How did you come up with that?


This question and many others came from a dozen lovely ladies of the Welch Bookies Book Club a few days ago. For my first face-to-face book club, the initiation was pure bliss! We laughed, talked about our favorite characters, and had random discussions about pink sponge hair rollers, Ford Edsels, Gone With The Wind, and Happy, Texas. Sort of like stepping into a roomful of friends I didn’t know I had and wishing I could unpack and stay awhile.

And that’s not to mention the amazing hostess of the evening: Jeane Wynn. She selected my book for her “turn” and had the meeting at the Wynn-Wynn Media office. Tyson, the other half of Wynn-Wynn took off his work hat and donned his chef’s apron to prepare a banquet of hors d’oeuvres. Yummmmm!

I have to tell you two of the “coincidences” of the evening. One was that Jeane borrowed a 1950s red and white enamel table for holding the beverages. What she didn’t know was that I ate at a table exactly like that as a child (and have the table upstairs now – a remnant of my childhood). The other thing (and I think this might have been intentional on Jeane’s part) was that one of the cakes was also exactly like the one I envisioned Irene Flanagan from Chasing Lilacs bringing to each and every occasion that required a cake. And it tasted as good as I envisioned, too!

Jeane presented me with Welch Community Cook Book

Thanks, Jeane and Tyson, for all the great food, decorations, and hospitality. Thank you, Welch Bookies, for one of the nicest evenings I’ve had all summer. You’ve set the bar high for my next book club appearance.

My new friend who won the gift basket! Congrats, Mary!

I’ll be back with one of the recipes from the evening later in the week.

Q4U: Do you belong to a book club? I’d love for you to tell me about it!