>How do you like the new look here at Carla’s Writing Café? All the credit goes to Ashley and George Weiss from Tekeme Studios. I heard about them from my friend, Mary, after they designed a new blog for her. This amazing couple really knows how to design with the customer’s dream vision in mind. I happened to be one of the winners in a recent contest from Tekeme, but their everyday prices are very reasonable, with exceptional hands-on attention. Plus, they are very fast. Check out their current contest here, and while you’re there, look at some of their blog and website designs. You might be next for a great makeover on your site. THANK YOU, Ashley and George!

Now, to celebrate my good fortunate, I’m giving away a $25 Barnes & Noble gift card. That way you may choose to buy books or splurge in the café while writing on your novel. It’s easy to enter. Leave a comment on this post with contact information. I’ll draw for a winner at noon on June 30.

If this is your first time to visit the café, I hope you’ll have a look around and then sign up for an email subscription in the FeedBlitz box in the upper right hand corner. I wouldn’t want you to miss future contests or any café happenings. If you’re a regular here, thank you for your support. You are a dear bunch of friends, coffee afficionados, fellow-writers, and lovers of books. What could be better than that?