>A Blogoversary and A Giveaway

>When I saw that another blogger on Twitter who also has a Cafe site was celebrating her blogoversary, I thought, “Hey, I’ve been doing this a couple of years. Maybe I should do that and have a party or something.” I’m shocked! When I went back and checked, I found out that on September 12, 2007, I tapped out my first blog. So, I’ve been blogging for THREE years. Three! I could’ve sworn it was only two. Alas, here’s what I wrote in that first post . . .

Today I’m releasing my first ever blog to orbit in cyberspace. Does the world need another blog? How many is too many? I’ve wrestled with this and a few million other questions for quite some time. What relevance can I offer? How can I enlighten writers, friends, family? And whatever made me think I should become a blogger?
The answer to that, of course, is the still, small voice upon which my life is anchored. The voice which whispered to me that I could become a writer. That urges me on when tough choices come my way. That comforts me when life throws me a curve. That takes my breath away when unexpected beauty crosses my path.
I am first a child of God. I’m also a wife, a mom, Mimi to a batch of extraordinary little people, daughter, sister, friend . . . and writer. So whether the world needs another blog or not, I can’t honestly say. I only know that I am here. No fancy-schmancy stuff. Just a few laughs, sharing about books and writing. Always time for a good cup of coffee. I would be honored to have you along for the journey.

It’s been a fun three years and I must say that the more things change, the more they stay the same. The world still does not need another blog. I still wrestle with what to write. I’m still a child of God (praise be!) and wear the same hats I did back then. Coffee?? Well, those of you who know me, know that I think coffee is the nectar of the gods, and my days are richer because of this heavenly brew.

What has changed since that first post?

Our immediate family has grown by two – our first granddaughter who came a few weeks after the launch of this blog and a new daughter-in-law who is lovely, witty, and wonderful!

I’m still on a writing journey, only now I’ve been blessed with my first published book and a second one on the way. If starting a blog sprinkles magic dust on the publishing fairies and you are waiting to be published, then by all means, start a blog. Results are not guaranteed, but I do promise you will encounter some terrific people and have a few laughs.

I do think this calls for a celebration, don’t you? September will also mark the third month that my book has been on bookstore shelves. So, in keeping with “three” how about I give away three copies of Chasing Lilacs???

To enter, please leave a comment (with your contact info please) and tell me how you learned of my blog and if you are a reader, a writer or any other interesting facts about yourself that you’d like for my readers to know. Even if you already have a copy (and THANK YOU to all who’ve bought one) you can enter and give it away if you win.

I’ll be drawing for three winners on the last day of the month – the 30th!

Thank you all for being faithful readers!

Disclaimer: Void where prohibited. Your chances of winning dependent on the number of entries.