>10-20-30! Let the virus begin!

>Relevantgirl, Mary DeMuth, has started a fun “tag” on her blog. Quick: What were you doing 10 – 20 – 30 years ago?

10 years ago—Life was good on the family farm in Balko, OK. Three of our four boys had flown the nest with only a 13-year-old left at home. He kept us busy with sports, 4-H, and raising show pigs. I taught nursing in a distance education program, and trust me, from our rambling, white farm bungalow, everything was a distance. 40 miles to the nearest Wal-Mart. 17 miles to the nearest grocery store and church. The desire to become a writer burned deep—a dream I had to wait another four years to pursue, but the birth of our first grandson highlighted the year (waving to Drake). What a joy!

20 years ago—We lived in the country in Lucas, Texas, and ran ourselves ragged with four boys. Busy, crazy years with soccer, basketball, baseball, and being a room mother. I painted wooden folk art, belonged to a quilt guild, did our church bulletin (Grace Evangelical Free Church), and was a group leader for our community Ladies’ Bible Study.

30 years ago—We lived in Richardson, Texas, and had three toddlers, only one of whom had graduated out of diapers. I loved being a mommy to three little boys, but to keep my sanity, I dropped them off at Mother’s Day Out once a week and went home to play the piano in peace and quiet. The only “dates” Max and I got were on the MDO days also. We were regulars at El Chico for the $2.99 lunch special!

Here’s the fun part. I’m tagging twelve writing friends. Even if you’re not tagged, don’t be crabby, just take up the baton and run with it. Here’s what to do: Post your 10-20-30s, and then leave a comment for me at Carla’s Writing Café sharing where you blogged. You can also link back to the Mother Ship www.relevantblog.blogspot.com and leave a comment for Mary saying where you heard about this experiment and your blog info. Mary’s not out to build an empire, just expand the blogosphere. How many people can one blog potentially reach?

So here are my tags (Twelve blogging friends that I hope will play)

Myra (Writer at Random)
Gina Conroy (Writer. . . Interrupted)
Lacy (Novel Inspirations)
Hope (The Hope Chest)
Margaret Daley
Erica (On the Write Path)
D’Ann (One More Writer)
Izitjo (Life Sparks)
Michelle (Edgy Inspirational Author)
Patti (Patti’s Ponderings)
Angie B (God Uses Broken Vessels)
Cecilia (My Christian Fiction Blog)

So let the linking and socializing and experimenting begin!