>An Apology and a Rabbit Rant


My apologies for not drawing for D.C. Stewart’s book Where Would Cows Hide? on Friday, as promised. Poor planning on my part as I knew I would be traveling this weekend to my youngest son’s college graduation (Go Sooners!). I abandoned my computer and cyberspace for some real people interaction and celebration (more about that tomorrow). So without further ado, here are the winners of the two BONUS books for Denice’s blog tour:

windycindy–who writes that she has visited the blog tour every day–Wahoo!
carolyn w–who wants to read the book to her little sister–Enjoy!

Your books will be sent out as soon as I get back you mailing information. Wasn’t that fun?

Now, on to the not so fun part. I returned home today to find that the wretched baby bunny (cute, furry innocence in serious question here) had eaten all the choice leaves from my newly sprouted Hyacinth beans and has also developed an appetite for fresh coneflower leaves and violets. When we lived on the farm this was a shooting offense, but here in the middle of the city, folks get worried about gunfire, and honestly, I wouldn’t know how to load, aim, and fire a gun let alone have the heart to do it. But, the furry critter and I have some serious differences of possessions here.

Hark! The internet. I looked up some safe, non-violent remedies for ridding the garden of furry pests and came up with a recipe. I whirred the cocktail in the blender–garlic and hot pepper sauce (I used Tabasco). Mixed it in a squrt bottle with a few teaspoons of dish detergent, filled it with water, and sprayed the garden. We’ll see what happens.

There are plenty of weeds for the bunny lad to munch on, and I am anxious to see the hyacinth bean vine grow taller than two inches. Why can’t we all just get along??

Hope you all had a pleasant weekend.