>It’s a Small, Small World

>One of the highlights of blogging for me is seeing what corners of the globe my visitors come from. India. China. Great Britain. Zambia. Australia. Canada. Not to mention places of interest all across the good ole USA. It is humbling (and a little frightening) that people from anywhere can click here and read my posts. Which is one reason I check and double-check my spelling and punctuation. How embarrassing would that be? A misplaced comma? Bad spelling? Horrors. I am kidding. I’m mostly human and even admit that I have been known to make the occasional mistake.

But I digress.

What I really want to share with you is that one of my regular visitors here at the Cafe in our ever-shrinking cyberworld is The Koala Bear Writer, and lately I’ve been stalking . . . uh, I mean visiting her blog waiting for her big announcement. I am thrilled to announce that my Canadian friend who chooses to remain anonymous, but visits my blog, has become a mommy. I could not be more proud. Congratulations to mom, dad, and baby koala! You can read the beautiful birth story here.
Isn’t that fun? I may not ever meet my friend in person, but we share so much – our faith, our love of writing and reading, and now . . . the experience of giving birth to a small person. Connecting with people in our small, small world – that’s what I love about blogging!