>My friend Shannon over at Rocks in My Dryer is an incredible blogger in the “momosphere.” Our round-about connection came about when our hubbies worked in the same office and compared notes about their “writing” wives. By the way, we both have the best spouse support systems in the universe. Whatever.

I started reading Rocks in My Dryer. I laughed. I cried. Nodded my head. Pumped my fists in the air. Shannon has a way of sharing life in the trenches of motherhood with tenderness, humor, and down-home good sense. Her following is humongous—hundreds of comments almost every time she so much as types a sentence. Before long she got noticed by national advertisers, big name magazines, people who pay real American dollars to get their name on her little spot in cyberspace. It could not have happened to a nicer person.

Then . . . she got an email that rocked not only her dryer, but her world. She was invited by Compassion International to go to Uganda (yes, in Africa!) with a team of bloggers to spread the word about relief efforts there. I cannot possibly do justice to how this impacted her life and would love for you to read her posts about that process of decision and preparing for her trip to Africa.

Fifteen Christian bloggers will be “live” from Uganda from February 10 (departure date) until February 18. Read more about the individual bloggers and the vision of Compassion International here.

What can you do?

Pray for my friend Shannon. For the other bloggers. For the people of Uganda. For the readers of these hallmark posts.

Support a child in Uganda through Compassion International.

Expect your life to be changed.