>Have You Seen The Afictionado E-Zine?

>I’ve told you about the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference I went to last month. Not all of you could swing it this year, either due to cost, distance, or other obligations. Now, though, you can have the conference in a nutshell – and for free!

Check out this month’s AFICTIONADO E – ZINE. This monthly online magazine is always full of fun stuff and great information, but once again, the e-zine editors, Michael Ehret and Kristin Bliss have put together a conference extravaganza – a short article about EVERY session, workshop, and late night session from the 2009 Conference. So, it’s like a mini-conference all in one place.

I was fortunate this year to be part of the conference “editorial staff”, and I invite you to check out the articles I worte: YA Palooza, Writing For Teens here and CBA vs. ABA here. Grab a mug of your favorite fall latte or cocoa and click over there now, but a note of caution. Once you’re there, you’ll want to stay a while. There are sooooo many great, informative articles. Expect to be encouraged and inspired to get back in the writing groove or take your writing career to a new level.

I’m off now to finish reading all the great entries.