>LOVE AND ROMANCE – A New Blog You’ll Like

> Do you like to hear how other writers who are also wives and moms keep the romance sizzling in their marriage? ROMANCE YOUR SPOUSE, this mostly G-rated blog is fun, informative, and a joint effort by five of my favorite romance writing friends (Hint: One is a relative). Pop over and check them out. When you do, you’ll see …


>A week or so ago, I mentioned trying to research using Google Maps—a fun and somewhat helpful method of seeing my setting without actually being there. But as several of you responded, you prefer the “in person” method of doing research. Today I took your advice, and with a notebook and camera, went for a drive. First stop: Downtown Tulsa …


>I meant to post here last night, but on a whim decided to look up an area I’m researching for my current novel. Wow! With Google Maps, I looked at it from the satellite view, zoomed up close, then took a tour through the neighborhood. There’s a little man you can drag on the screen over to the area you …


> We all have family stories and legends that have been passed down. Will your children or grandchildren know what they are? My dear friend and fellow writer, M. Carolyn Steele, has penned the ultimate guide to teach the novice or veteran writer how to preserve those stories for future generations. Not just recording the facts, but taking an event …

>The Sense of Place, Part 4 – AN IRISHWOMAN’S TALE by Patti Lacy

>Did you ever dream of going to Ireland? Of visiting the wild cliffs above a foamy sea? Sipping tea in a thatched cottage? I have. And what a delight to take this vicarious trip to the Emerald Isle through the pages of An Irishwoman’s Tale by debut author, Patti Lacy. As I’ve been doing for several weeks, I’m talking about …

>The Sense of Place, Part 3. THE SHAPE OF MERCY by Susan Meissner

>Knowing that everyone is busy with Thanksgiving plans, I’m posting this a bit early in keeping with the discussion about sense of place. Here we go. I’ve been a fan of Susan Meissner’s fiction for some time. I met her at the ACFW conference in 2007 when I had an author critique session with her. She’s wise and smart, very …

>A blogging friend asked me some questions

>Today, I’m answering questions about being a writer on The Koala Bear Writer blog. This delightful blogger lives in Canada and whether you read my comments over there or not, you will certainly enjoy her thought-provoking posts and musings about her daily life.

>The Sense of Place, Part 2. RAIN SONG by Alice J. Wisler

>As promised, I’m going to share some of my observations about recent books I’ve read, and why they have the lagniappe (something extra) quality that endears them to me. If you missed the first post that explains what I’m talking about, you can read it here. I’m starting with one of the most recent books I read, RAIN SONG by …

>The Sense of Place (Part 1)

>I admit that I’m drawn to character driven novels vs. plot-driven ones, although I love a good mystery or suspense for a change of pace. In my own writing, I tend to come up with characters and a premise before I create plots, but the plot comes out in the actual writing. Lately, though, I’ve been pondering (which can be …

>Have You Seen The Afictionado E-Zine?

>I’ve told you about the ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) Conference I went to last month. Not all of you could swing it this year, either due to cost, distance, or other obligations. Now, though, you can have the conference in a nutshell – and for free! Check out this month’s AFICTIONADO E – ZINE. This monthly online magazine is …