Looking Back at 2013

Tomorrow we’ll put 2013 to rest. It’s hard to believe that in a few short hours, it will be 2014. How has this year been for you?

It’s been a mix of triumphs and challenges here which I suppose is a sign that I’m still in the game! I do like to reflect on the past, if just for a moment, to gain perspective. I get so caught up in what’s happening at this very moment that I sometimes fail to see the big picture and that God still has me in the palm of his hand. For His continued grace and work in my life, I’m thankful. As I’m thankful for family, friends, forward progress in my writing career, and for you, dear readers. I couldn’t do this thing I love without your support and the trust you put in me every time you buy one of my books or come to a book event.

It’s been a year of transitions. On the personal front, my sweet mother-in-law stepped on heaven’s shores in January. The hole she leaves in our lives is wide and deep. There is the peace of knowing that she’s free from the Alzheimer’s which stole her away from us long before she left this earth.

The Hatmaker's Heart by Carla StewartAs for writing, there’s a shift there as well as I’m moving into a slightly more historical era – the delightful, crazy Jazz Age of the Roaring Twenties. My head has been spinning as I’ve researched and written the first of two books contracted for that time period. The Hatmaker’s Heart will hit the streets on June 4, but it’s available now for pre-order and has had so many lovely endorsements already that my heart is bursting. You’ll be hearing much more about that in months to come! I’m now busy on the second book – aviation in the twenties with a spunky heroine who is a contemporary of Amelia Earhart. I tell you, the fun never stops! Wish me luck on pushing through for an April deadline.

Another change, while not intentional, is that I’ve not written as many blog posts as in years past. My hope is to keep the posts relevant and newsworthy. A few posts that I drafted mentally never made it to the page. I’m not sure whether it’s busyness or lack of discipline.  FaceBook is more immediate for sharing news and the daily nitty gritty. I’d love to have you join the conversation there. My FaceBook Author’s Page is growing. I’ve hosted a few giveaways there and also try to pass on great deals on books I think you will enjoy or tell you about upcoming events. I expect to increase the interaction there, so if you haven’t “liked” my page yet, you can find it here.

Highlights of 2013:

LDSC06484aunch of Sweet Dreams – and what a dream it’s been! Tea parties, book signings, speaking at libraries. You’ve been gracious in your support. And of course, as an author, I always appreciate reviews on Amazon, CBD, GoodReads, etc. Don’t be shy – tell the world honestly (with kindness) what you liked or didn’t like about the book.

Nomination of Stardust for the Oklahoma Book Award in April. What an honor to be recognized among so many wonderful writers and books.

Trips to Jefferson, Texas (Thank you, Pulpwood Queens!), Amarillo, Perryton, and DSC06316 - Version 2Borger, TX, Oklahoma City and Guymon, OK – I love logging the miles and meeting readers! Conferences in St. Louis and Indianapolis. But I also was able to squeeze in a sister trip to Santa Fe for my sister Donna’s birthday (love you Donna and Marsha!).


DSC07331Then in October, Max and I had a fabulous trip to New York to attend our niece’s wedding in the Hudson River Valley and spend a few days exploring New York City.


Like many folks at this time of year, I’m considering goals for 2014 and can hardly wait to see what happens. One thing I’m certain about – people matter. You matter. And I hope that somehow our paths cross in the coming year. What has been memorable for you in 2013? And there’s the burning question . . . what big plans do you have to bring in the New Year? Party? Stay at home? Bubbly? Watch the ball drop? Or just a quiet evening with a good book?

Whatever is on your schedule, thanks for sharing this year with me and have a Happy New Year!